AOA Partner
The AOA is proud to promote our partners and to ensure the accuracy of relayed details, all information below has been pulled directly from our partners’ own sources.
The Academy of Ophthalmic Education (AOE)
The Academy of Ophthalmic Education (AOE) was founded by the Khan Family in 1994 and has since been providing high calibre and officially approved continuing education seminars, on both land and sea, to all eye health professionals including optometrists, opticians, and optometric assistants. The AOE is extremely proud to be the only organization in Canada wherein all varied eye care professionals participate and mingle under the same roof.
The AOE faculty includes a host of respected ophthalmologists, optometrists, and opticians, many of who teach at the University of Toronto, Department of Ophthalmology, and related optometry schools throughout North America. Visit www.aoece.com for more information.
Useful Links
The College of Opticians of Alberta
The College of Opticians of Alberta (COA) is the regulatory body that oversees the licensing and practice of opticianry in the province.
Following changes to the Health Professions Act, the COA replaced the former Alberta College and Association of Opticians (ACAO) on January 1, 2022.
The COA will continue its role as a self-regulating body mandated by legislation to protect the public interest.
All professionals practicing opticianry in the province of Alberta are required to be licensed by the COA.
Visit https://albertaopticians.ca/ for more information.
The Alberta College of Optometrists
The Alberta College of Optometrists (ACO) is the regulatory and licensing body for the profession of optometry in Alberta. As such, they are mandated by the Health Professions Act to provide direction and govern members in a manner that protects and serves the public interest.
The College is also responsible for the establishment, maintenance and enforcement of Standards of Practice, registration requirements, the ACO Continuing Competence Program and the ACO Code of Ethics to ensure that optometrists practice their profession in the best interests of the public.
Optometrists are university-educated, primary health care practitioners who examine, assess, diagnose, prescribe, correct, treat and manage diseases and disorders of the human visual system, the eye, and its associated structures. Optometrists are also involved in health-care research, education activities, and the promotion of eye and health safety.
Visit https://collegeofoptometrists.ab.ca/ for more information.
Canadian Association of Optometrists
The CAO is dedicated to collaboratively advancing the highest standard of primary eye care through the promotion of optimal vision and eye health, in partnership with all Canadians.
Visit www.opto.ca for more information.
Canadian Ophthalmological Society
The Canadian Ophthalmological Society (COS) is the national, recognized authority on eye and vision care in Canada. As eye physicians and surgeons, we are committed to assuring the provision of optimal medical and surgical eye care for all Canadians by promoting excellence in ophthalmology and by providing services to support our members in practice. Our membership includes over 1149 ophthalmologists and 220 ophthalmology residents. We work collaboratively with government bodies, other national and international specialty societies, our academic communities (ACUPO), our provincial partners and affiliates, and other eye care professionals and patient groups to advocate for health policy in Canada in the area of eye and vision health.
Visit www.cos-sco.ca for more information.
National Alliance of Canadian Optician Regulators (NACOR)
The membership of the National Alliance of Canadian Optician Regulators (NACOR) is made up of ten regulatory agencies across Canada. Including one delegate from each Canadian Optician Regulatory body that is signatory to the Mutual Recognition Agreement (see Members). NACOR is an incorporated body under the Corporations Canada Act and received its final letter of patent in July of 2007. Membership is voluntary.The mission of the National Alliance of Canadian Optician Regulators is to work collaboratively through a national forum to support Canadian Provincial Regulators in areas such as:
Competencies for Opticians
Accreditation of Continuing Education
Professional Examinations
Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition (PLAR)
Visit www.nacor.ca for more information.
How to Become an Optician
Becoming a Licensed Optician is an opportunity to achieve a well paying career in a regulated health profession, while at the same time allowing you to give back to the community, exercise your passion for fashion, and help people see better. It is a career that will let you explore your strengths and help you achieve your goals all while letting you live your best life.
Visit https://becomeanoptician.com/ to find out more.
Accredited Opticianry Programs in Canada
The following is a list of Canadian colleges that offer accredited opticianry programs (all info taken from the corresponding institution’s website):
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT):
The Optical Sciences Eyeglasses Diploma is a two-year program. Students complete the theory portion online and the clinical portion (practicum) at their workplace. The practicum consists of on-the-job training, similar in nature to an apprenticeship. Students perfect their skills under the direct supervision of a qualified preceptor at their place of employment.
More information: https://www.nait.ca/programs/optical-sciences-eyeglasses?term=2022-fall
Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT):
Be at the forefront of eye care practice, working as part of a multi-disciplinary vision care team. Students will study ocular pathology, refracting and pharmacology, as well as business, and retail aspects of the profession. The optician program trains students to be in the forefront of eye care practice, working as part of a multi-disciplinary vision care team (two-year diploma program).
More information: https://www.sait.ca/programs-and-courses/diplomas/optician
Douglas College:
Combine health care, business, fashion, and technology with a Diploma in Opticianry. You’ll study all areas of modern opticianry, including eyeglasses, contact lenses, and refraction technologies. Classes take place three days per week, which means students have the ability to work part time while studying. Upon completion, graduates will be ready to take the College of Opticians exam, which is a required step in becoming a licensed optician in B.C.
Starting Fall 2022, the Opticianry Diploma Program will no longer be accepting applications
More information: https://www.douglascollege.ca/program/dpopti
Sternberg College:
Through a combination of theory, practice (labs), and application (practicum), students will be extensively trained in eyeglass dispensing, contact lens fitting, and automated refraction. Beyond the technological skills, emphasis is placed on interpersonal communication, customer service, and professional practice.
This program is accredited by the National Association of Canadian Optician Regulators (NACOR) and graduates are well prepared to take the national licensing exams.
More information: https://stenbergcollege.com/program/licensed-optician/
Collège La Cité:
Ce programme dans le domaine de l'optique mène à l'obtention d'un diplôme qui vise à préparer les diplômés à devenir des opticiens.
More information: https://www.collegelacite.ca/programmeLists/51704.htm
Georgian College:
Upon successful completion of the academic and co-operative education semesters, students are eligible to write the national registration examinations which allow them, if successful, to practice in Canada as a registered optician.
More information: https://www.georgiancollege.ca/academics/programs/opticianry
Seneca College:
In this two-year diploma program, students will acquire the specialized knowledge and skills required to safely and competently dispense subnormal vision devices, contact lenses and eyeglasses. Attendees will also learn the basic science of sight and optics and develop practical spectacle fabrication and dispensing skills.
More information: https://www.senecacollege.ca/programs/fulltime/OPTC.html
Cégep Garneau:
Vous apprendrez à maîtriser toutes les fonctions de la profession d’opticien d’ordonnances à travers diverses activités de laboratoire en lunetterie et en contactologie. Par ailleurs, vous ferez l’acquisition de notions importantes adaptées aux besoins de la profession durant vos cours de biologie, de chimie, de physique optique, de techniques de vente et de gestion. Nous offrons une formule accélérée pour les étudiants ayant réussi les cours de la formation générale.
More information: https://www.cegepgarneau.ca/programmes-formations/techniques/techniques-ortheses-visuelles
Cégep Edouard Montpetit:
La FORMATION GÉNÉRALE fait partie intégrante de tout programme d'études collégiales. Globalement, elle vise à préparer l'étudiant à vivre en société de façon responsable et à lui faire partager les acquis de la culture.
More information: https://www.cegepmontpetit.ca/campus-de-longueuil/programmes-offerts/sante/160a0
Cégep Régional de Lanaudière à l’Assomption:
This program trains individuals to become opticians. Students learn the art of eyewear, how to adjust contact lenses, the physiology of the eye, sales and communication techniques, concepts of physics and chemistry related to the discipline, and management.
More information: https://www.cegepsquebec.ca/en/our-study-programs/study-program-directory/optical-dispensing/
The AOA Council has discussed how it might leverage strategic partnerships with other organizations that already possess high influence/visibility. Individual partnerships can be developed to create mutually beneficial contractual arrangements, customized to meet the needs of the sponsor and the goals of the partnership.
Program-Oriented Sponsorship Channels
The AOA’s organizational communication strategy (in development) will help to identify tactics for approaching advertising and the use of various communication channels for sponsorship.
The AOA currently has the following potential marketing channels:
AOA website
AOA Social Media
AOA Newsletter
Educational seminars and events
If you are interested in a setting up a partnership through sponsorship with the AOA please contact us.